The Orenburg State Medical University was organized in August of 1944. The first doctors graduated in May, 1946. By decision of State committee of Russia on Higher School the Institute was reorganized into The Orenburg State Medical University on July 15, 1994.
Nowadays activity of the Orenburg State Medical University satisfies all modern standards and requirements presented to Higher School.
Specialists in the sphere of medicine graduated from the University for many years. Graduates of the University work in state and private medical and preventive institutions, take leading positions in state administrative structures, solve primary issues on the development of modern medicine.
Welcome to our University!
Dear colleagues!
Board of Young Scientists and Student Research Society n. a. Fyodor Lazarenko invite students and young scientists to participate in the Russia-wide International Student and Young Scientist Training Conference in the frame of “Days of Medical science”, which will take place on April 21-23 in the Orenburg State Medical University.
The Academy: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Medical Institute n.a. Chkalov (now «The Orenburg State Medical Academy») was established in 1944. Classes began at the Department of General Medicine (4 course years). Official founders of the Institute are considered to be Lazarenko F.M., histologist, professor; Olifson L.E., chemist, associate professor; Silantyev A.K, associate professor, surgeon; the first director of the Institute was Fetisov N.V., surgeon-dentist. Department of Pediatrics was opened in 1970, a scientific-research laboratory was opened for exploration of mechanisms of natural immune system. Doctors Improvement Faculty was opened (now it is called Department of post-graduate training for specialists), student’s hostel № 3 and canteen were built in 1985. The institute continued its development in 1990-s, new departments, such as Department of higher nursing care and Department of preventive care, were opened. The Orenburg State Medical Academy opened 3 new departments in 2002 (Dental, Pharmaceutical, Department of clinical psychology) and became a higher educational institution with 8 departments.
Nowadays 555 members of scientific and research staff work at the Academy, there are 93 Doctors of Medicine and 298 Associates of Medicine among them. The Academy unites 8 departments in the following directions: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Preventive care, Clinical psychology, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing care and Department of post-graduate training for specialists, 56 chairs, preliminary courses for entering the Academy, internship, residency, post-graduate training and higher doctorate, 4 dissertation committees, scientific and innovative center of research coordination, the clinic, the laboratory of digital educational technologies, educational simulation center and other structural subdivisions.
There are the following programs of post-graduate professional education: – Internship – 28 programs;
- Residency – 37 programs;
- Post-graduate training – 30 programs;
- Higher doctorate – 3 programs;
- Programs of additional professional education.
More than 3000 students and 1000 listeners at the Department of post-graduate training for specialists study at the Academy, about 500 professionals in Medicine graduate from the Academy every year. Leading national and foreign clinics are very interested in graduates of the Academy because of their high qualification.
The Academy has great influence on education, science, economy and social sphere of Orenburg and the Orenburg region.
Department of General Medicine
Duration and mode of study – 6 years, full-time course of study.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “General medicine”.
Academic program. Curriculum for 6 years includes 21600 class hours; major subjects are studied for 6948 class hours.
Regular personnel. 26 Doctors of Medicine and 88 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – more than 15 trials.
Practical training.
- Assistant of medical attendants (after the 1st year of study).
- Assistant of a charge nurse (after the 2nd year of study).
- Assistant of a treatment nurse (after the 3rd year of study).
- Assistant of a hospital-based physician (after the 4th year of study).
- Assistant of a physician at the adult polyclinic (after the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Internship in 18 specialities – 1 year of study. Residency training in 28 specialities – 2 years of study.
Department of Pediatrics
Duration and mode of study – 6 years, full-time course of study.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “Pediatrics”.
Academic program. Curriculum for 6 years includes 12960 class hours, major subjects are studied for 7596 class hours.
Regular personnel. 3 Doctors of Medicine and 17 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – 6 trials.
Practical training.
- In-service education program at the simulation center (during the 1st year of study).
- Assistant of a charge nurse (after the 2nd year of study).
- Assistant of a treatment nurse (after the 3rd year of study).
- Assistant of a therapeutist, gynecologist, surgeon (after the 4th year of study).
- Assistant of a physician at the children’s polyclinic (after the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Internship in speciality “Pediatrics” – 1 year of study. Residency training (2 years of study) in the following specialities: “Pediatrics”, “Neonatology”.
Dental Department
Duration and mode of study – 5 years, full-time course of study.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “Dentistry”.
Academic program. Curriculum for 5 years includes 10800 class hours, major subjects are studied for 3888 class hours.
Regular personnel. 17 Doctors of Medicine and 41 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – 6 trials.
Practical training.
- Assistant of a charge nurse and a treatment nurse (after the 2nd year of study).
- Assistant of a dentist-hygienist (after the 3rd year of study).
- Assistant of a dentist-surgeon (during the 4th year of study).
- Assistant of a dentist- therapeutist (after the 4th year of study).
- Assistant of a children’s dentist (during the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Internship in speciality “Dentist – general practitioner” – 1 year of study. Residency training is allowed only after post-graduate training, it takes 2 years of study in the following specialities: “Therapeutic dentistry”, “Surgical dentistry”, “Maxillo-facial surgery”, “Orthodontology”, “Prosthetic dentistry”, “Children’s dentistry”.
Department of preventive care
Duration and mode of study – 6 years, full-time course of study.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “Medical and preventative care”.
Academic program. Curriculum for 6 years includes 12960 class hours, major subjects are studied for 2443 class hours.
Regular personnel. 12 Doctors of Medicine and 30 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in Orenburg region, Federal State-Funded Healthcare Institution “The center of hygiene and epidemiology in Orenburg region” and its affiliations.
Practical training.
- Assistant of medical attendants (after the 1st year of study).
- Assistant of a charge nurse (after the 2nd year of study).
- Assistant of a treatment nurse (after the 3rd year of study).
- Assistant of a hospital-based physician (after the 4th year of study).
- Assistant of a physician at the Federal State-Funded Healthcare Institution “The center of hygiene and epidemiology” or a specialist at the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service (after the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Internship (1 year of study) and residency training (2 years of study) in the following specialities: “General hygiene”, “Epidemiology”.
Pharmaceutical Department
Duration and mode of study – 5 years, intra-extramural form of study and low residence education.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “Pharmacy, pharmaceutist”.
Academic programme. Curriculum for 6 years includes 10800 class hours, major subjects are studied for 4104 class hours.
Regular personnel. 5 Doctors of Medicine and 9 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – municipal and private drug-stores in Orenburg .
Practical training.
- Practical training in botany and pharmaceutical propedeutics (after the 1st year of study).
- Medical introductive training and training in pharmacognosy (after the 3rd year of study).
- Practical training in general pharmaceutical technology (after the 4th year of study).
- Practical training in pharmaceutical technology, storage and reception of drug raw materials, quality control of drugs, economy and management in drug stores (after the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Internship (1 year of study) and residency training (2 years of study) in the following specialities: “Management and economy of pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical technology”.
Department of Clinical Psychology
Duration and mode of study – 5,5 years, full-time course of study.
Qualification after graduation from this department – “Clinical psychology”.
Academic programme. Curriculum for 5 years includes 11880 class hours, major subjects are studied for 6012 class hours.
Regular personnel. 3 Doctors of Medicine and 8 Candidates of Medicine teach at the department.
Clinical trials – more than 11 trials.
Practical training.
- Medical introductive training. student assistant (the 1st and the 2nd years of study).
- Teaching practicum. Teacher’s assistant at secondary educational institutions (after the 3rd year of study).
- On-the-job training. Assistant of a psychologist (after the 4th year of study).
- Qualification training. Assistant of a psychologist (after the 5th year of study).
Post-graduate training. Upgrade qualifications once in 5 years or study of thematic courses for improvement.